WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: Consultative Draft Cairngorms National Park Local Plan – CONSULTATION REPORT Prepared by: Gavin Miles, Planning Officer (Local Plan/Policy) Purpose To inform the CNPA Planning Committee of the results for the second phase of the CNP Local Plan consultation, for the consultative draft Local Plan of October 2005 and its accompanying SEA Environmental Report. Recommendations That Members of the Planning Committee support a recommendation to: 1. Publish the Consultation Report Background 1. The consultative draft Cairngorms National Park Local Plan was published in October 2005, with a formal consultation period to the 28th February 2006. 2. The Environmental Report of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Local Plan was published on the 20th December 2005, with an effective consultation period from early January to the 28th February 2006. 3. Responses to the Local Plan and Environmental Report and opinions on their content are always welcomed, and the consultation report summarises a total of 206 written representations received up to May 2006. 3. The consultation report also includes the results of community consultation events held between September and November 2005, which were attended by a total of 924 people. At these meetings, communities were invited to comment on the settlement statements that were included in the consultative draft Local Plan. Next Steps 1. We intend to format and publish Consultation Report. 2. We intend to provide more detailed feedback reports to local communities. 3. The Local Plan team will continue to review the Local Plan and SEA in response to consultation comments and additional information available since publication of consultative draft, including consultation on the draft Park Plan. Gavin Miles 26 June 2006 planning@cairngorms.co.uk